Friday, February 4, 2011


I've been posting about lessons we can learn from Joseph's experience in the pit of betrayal. From the story of this Old Testament Patriarch we learn the amazing principle that God can turn BETRAYAL into BLESSING. And from this story I see three ways that this can happen. The first blessing deals with a PLAN!

As I have stated several times, few wounds go deeper than those caused by betrayal. But even when we find ourselves pushed into the pit of betrayal, we can know that God is at work - He has a plan. For Joseph, this plan would take him from the PIT to the PALACE as ultimately he would become the 2nd highest in command in Egypt - only Pharaoh himself would be greater in power. And in this position Joseph would be used of God to save Egypt and the surrounding peoples (including his own family) from a devastating famine. That is why years later Joseph could make the following statements when reunited with his brothers, the very ones who had pushed him into the pit of betrayal:

"Now don't be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life." (Genesis 45:5)

"Now, therefore, it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to a Pharaoh and lord of all his household and ruler over all the land of Egypt." (Genesis 45:8)

Even while Joseph was experiencing the horrible pain accompanied by betrayal, God had a plan for him. And it is the plan of God that turns BETRAYAL into BLESSING. Joseph went from the PIT to the PALACE. And if you are a pastor or ministry leader that has found yourself pushed into the pit of betrayal - take heart! God has a plan for you too! God will turn the betrayal you have experienced into a blessing.

But remember, before Joseph went from the PIT to the PALACE - he first had to experience the PRISON. And so might you! Your painful experience may be far from over but stay faithful my drear friend. I believe that God has a plan for you and His plan will ultimately turn your PIT of BETRAYAL into a PALACE of BLESSING!

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