When we think of the passion of Jesus we think of the scourging, the crown of thorns, the crucifixion, and the spear. And all of these were very big aspects of His passion. But there is a part of the passion of Christ that is easy to gloss over without a lot of thought or emotion. Matthew 26:4-50 says this:
"Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, 'Hail, Rabbi!' and kissed Him. And Jesus said to Him, 'Friend, do what you have come for.' Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and seized Him."
Part of the passion of Jesus was suffering betrayal. And if you have ever found yourself pushed into the PIT of BETRAYAL than suddenly this part of the passion of Jesus takes on a whole new meaning and intensity. Before Jesus was crucified for me, before He was scourged for me, He was first betrayed for me. Jesus knows full well how deep the wounds of betrayal go. And one of the ways that God can turn BETRAYAL into BLESSING is to give you a new appreciation for this aspect of the passion of Jesus. If you know what the sting of betrayal feels like, you will come to love Jesus even more for His suffering betrayal for you.
Be sure to read my other blog at www.folkslisten.blogspot.com. You can leave a comment at either blog or email me directly at skdistler@gmail.com
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