Monday, November 15, 2010

You WIN Today!

"But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place." (2 Corinthians 2:14)

When Paul speaks of our triumph in Christ, he is speaking of a Roman Triumph which in essence was a day-long parade and celebration to honor the conquering general who had returned home victoriously with his troops from the battlefield. According to Paul, spiritually we are always part of a triumph through our conqueror, Jesus Christ. He has won the battle for us. We now rejoice in and celebrate His victory.

This was true yesterday!
This is true today!
This will be true tomorrow!
This will be true throughout the rest of your life!
This will be true throughout all of eternity!


Even in the middle of your hurt,
Even in the middle of your pain, YOU WIN!
Even when the tears flow down from your face, YOU WIN!
Even when you lay awake at night staring at the ceiling, YOU WIN!

And because YOU WIN, no matter how the struggle you are going through in ministry ends, you can still rejoice. No matter what this day throws at you, you can still rejoice. No matter what new adversity comes your way today or tomorrow, you can still rejoice.

How should this realization affect your response to affliction, even in ministry? Your focus should be simple - manifesting to others around you, even those who may be causing your pain, the "sweet aroma" of the knowledge of God.

YOU WIN! Can you smell it?

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