Monday, November 8, 2010

The Purpose of Pain

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

Pain has a purpose - no matter what the type of pain it may be. Every affliction has a reason -even in ministry. One reason is so that in the future God can use us to "come along side" others who are going through a similar pain. It is a fact - pain is a prerequisite for true empathy. For example:

A woman who has been through breast cancer can best be the one to "come along side" of another woman who has just learned that she has breast cancer.

A parent who has lost a child to death can best be the one to "come along side" of another parent who is about to lose a child to death.

A pastor who has experienced a hurtful ministry can best be the one to "come along side" of another pastor who is going through a challenging time in ministry.

Think of it this way. I heard a preacher once say that every time Jesus distributed bread in Scripture, He always used the same approach:

He TOOK the bread!
He BLESSED the bread!
He BROKE the bread!
He GAVE the bread!

And so it seems to be the same pattern with God's servants. He TAKES us! He BLESSES us! But He then BREAKS us before He can ultimately GIVE us!

Are you in the process of being broken? Are you learning right now what it means to be broken - even in ministry? Then take heart! Take courage! Take comfort! Take joy! If God is breaking you, resulting in many tears and even sleepless nights, it is probably because He is getting ready to give you to someone else who you will be able to "come along side" of because you have experienced the same pain.

feel free to leave a comment or email me at


Glen said...

Greetings Pastor Scott,

We have been enjoying your blogs as we continue to pray for God's leading in yours and Laura's life. We know He is faithful... He always is! I am getting a strong feeling that we will be meeting soon... I truly look forward to it. Many blessings, Glen Catt

Pastor Scott said...

Hi Glen. Thank you for being the firt to comment on this new blog. I am praying that God will use these postings to encourage and give hope to hurting pastors who He draws to this website. I appreciate you following my blogs and taking the time to leave a comment. I too very much look forward to meeting you. Blessings!

Craig Ford said...

Hi Scott,
It is exciting to see how God is using you in this way. We know there is a great need out there for this kind of ministry. God bless you as you allow Him to GIVE you out of your brokeness. I will be passing on your blog to others!
Blessings to you and your family.

Pastor Scott said...

Thanks, Craig. I appreciate you taking the time to drop by this new blog and to leave a comment. Thanks also for your very kind words! I very much appreciate it. Blessings to you and your family, my friend.