Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Church in my PRAYERS

It is very easy when we go through ministry trials and difficulties as a pastor to develop a bad taste in our mouth toward the church. This is something we all need to guard against. As Paul went through serious adversity in ministry, he never lost his love for the church. In Philippians chapter one we have already seen that Paul kept the church in his MIND (loving the church through his intellect) and he kept the church in his HEART (loving the church through his intimacy). Today we see that Paul also kept the church in his PRAYERS (loving them through his intercession). In verse 9-11, Paul prays for the church.

He prays that their love would abound more and more in real knowledge and all discernment!

He prays that they would be able to approve the things that are excellent!

He prays that they would be sincere and blameless!

He prays that they would be filled with the fruit of righteousness!

He prays that they would bring glory to God!

So, hurting pastor, as you go through this time of ministry hurt, don't give up on God and don't give up on His church! Keep the church in your MIND! Keep the church in your HEART! Keep the church in your PRAYERS! Three cheers for the church!

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