Are you facing some serious obstacles in your ministry, be they people or circumstances? Please don't forget that in each and every obstacle lies opportunities. We see this clearly in the life of Paul as he wrote to the Philippians. In Philippians 1:12, he wants his readers to know how true this is as he begins with the words, "Now, I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the Gospel." His obstacles brought opportunities. What obstacles had he faced?
He had been arrested, accused of degrading Rome by causing riots; accused of degrading the Temple by bringing in a Gentile; accused of degrading the Law by preaching grace. He had been tried before Felix, before Festus, and now even King Agrippa. He had been beaten, shipwrecked, become the victim of a poisonous snake bite, and now he was sitting in a Roman dungeon. Pretty defeating circumstances, wouldn't you say? But yet, he wants his readers to know that these circumstances had brought about opportunities that would never have been realized apart form the suffering and pain he had experienced in his ministry.
The same is true with you, hurting pastor. Your pain...your hurt...your sleepless nights...your tears...these sufferings are not fun, but if you keep your spiritual eyes open, you will see opportunities in the middle of your obstacles that would otherwise never have been there. In the next few blogs we will see the opportunities Paul found in his ministry obstacles. I think you will find the same opportunities in your obstacles as well.
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