Friday, April 22, 2011

Hope for Hurting Pastors

Dear Hurting Pastor or Ministry Leader,

Welcome to "Hope for Hurting Pastors." I am so glad that God has led you to this blog. Over the year 2010 I personally went through a very painful time in pastoral ministry. As I realized that the outcome to this adversity was most likely going to continue to decline, I began to ask God every day for four things. I asked Him that when this trial was all over, whenever that was and whatever that looked like, that I would be more in love with Jesus; more in love with my wife; more in love with my calling; and more in love with the local church.

I am so thankful that God answered those 4 prayer requests. I have talked to so many pastors who left the ministry or who really developed a bad taste in their mouth toward the church because of the pain they experienced. Being a pastor or ministry leader is not easy. Sometimes the church can be a vicious place. But being a pastor is still worth it!! The church is still worth it!! It really is!!

Over that difficult year God taught me many lessons that helped me to not lose my love or passion for my calling and for the church. Many of these lessons I put into short written form. I did this as a means of healing for my own life but also with the intent that God might use it in the lives of others who are experiencing ministry adversity. If you are a hurting pastor or ministry leader, or if you know a hurting pastor or ministry leader, my prayer is that as you take the time to read the archives of these postings of the lessons I learned from Scripture, that God will use it to bring encouragement and hope to you or the one you know who is currently going through their own ministry trial.

Today I am blessed to be the Lead Pastor of an amazing church in northern Michigan where I am in awe at how God is working. I praise the Lord for the way He worked in my life and used adversity in pastoral ministry to cause personal growth. As He promised in His Word, His mercy really is new every morning. His compassion really never fails. And His faithfulness really is great.

Please feel free to leave a comment on any of the postings on this blog or email me directly at the email address listed below. I would also invite you to visit my other blog that is updated daily at the link below. Blessings to you!

Scott Distler
Evangelical Free Church
Gaylord, Michigan

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